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Where Emotions Meet Data

Motivation Metrics amplifies your marketing reach by capturing your customer’s true emotional needs.

Let’s Talk about Data!

Excerpt from:

Decoding Desire – The Rise of Motivational Marketing

by Dr. J.D. Pincus – co-founder Motivation Metrics

“What if, instead of merely targeting consumers based on their transactional data—what they buy, how much they spend, or where they click—we could understand their emotional needs and motivations in context? If this could be achieved, it would mark the beginning of a profound shift in marketing, moving from a focus on past behavioral traces to a nuanced understanding of the present emotional states that drive consumer decisions”

Marketers Have Had It Rough Lately

In a world where static, inaccurate third-party data and now-defunct third-party cookies are the norm, marketers are left with limited and often flawed insights. Contextual marketing, which focuses on content rather than consumers, fails to capture the true motives and desires of the audience. Traditional methods like SEO, targeting keywords, and geofences have become stale and ineffective as all competitors adopt the same strategies.

A Better Way to Understand Consumers

Motivation Metrics introduces a groundbreaking approach to data. Imagine dynamically profiling the emotional needs of consumers through data rooted in neuroscience. Our data isn’t just another layer of information; it’s a transformative tool that offers unparalleled insight into consumer behavior.

Data Backed by Science

Our data is extensively validated by top-tier peer-reviewed journals, ensuring you receive the highest quality insights. Our zero-party data respects consumer privacy while offering a depth of understanding previously unattainable. Linked to thousands of consumer-level data points, our data is always current and highly predictive of actual behavior.

Stay Ahead of the Competition

With our revolutionary data, marketers can move beyond outdated methods and gain a competitive edge. By leveraging our neuroscience-based insights, you can predict and meet the emotional needs of your consumers with precision. Discover the future of marketing with Motivation Metrics.

Let’s Talk About Data!

Learn how we can help your team today with our data

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